Perhaps I’m a glutton for punishment, but I love traveling during the holidays. To be fair, I enjoy travel at any time but the holidays bring a different vibe. Most airports during the year tilt toward “road warriors” who long ago lost the spirit of adventure and are caught in their thoughts about the next meeting or customer visit. The holiday season is full of families going to see loved ones – perhaps their only flight of the year together as a group.

While my initial reaction is to be annoyed at the unsteady movement of the less experienced, I try to slow myself down and think about the special moments taking place. The trips the kids will remember years from now.

The trip of course is not about the airport. It’s still a mechanism to get from Point A to Point B. The real magic is to see how different cities dress themselves up and celebrate the season. Ordinary lobbies become winter wonderlands and storefronts become fairy tale scenes. Without stretching too thin, I think there is an analogy there. Each of us contain magic within us all year, but too often keep it stowed away for a special occasion. Here’s wishing everyone a fantastic 2020 and let’s all try to let the light shine bright a little more often. Cheers!