2020 has in many ways been unpredictable. One consistent is that late December is historically a time where well intentioned people offer up fool-proof rules to have a better next year. Many of these are written as absolutes and without balance:

  • Think Big
  • Think Small
  • Focus on the long-term horizon
  • Focus on the sprint steps

As an unapologetic Shades of Grey guy – these fall flat. (There is some irony that it’s taken me a few edits to land on grey versus gray).

Rather than “either/or” – I prefer to think “and/also”. Sure, think about your grand plans – healthy family, rewarding job, etc., but also focus on the joy of a simple walk through the park. Even better, these become a virtuous circle when coupled together.

Life is not a business plan. Go out, get messy, play in the mud. But then come back inside, clean up, and get to work. By making yourself a better person – you may just make the world a better place.